Monday, January 23, 2012

Osteoporosis Broken Bones




Osteoporosis Broken Bones


What is osteoporosis ?

Is a decrease in bone density with bone loss, which supports the appearance of fractures, especially in individuals over 70 years and in women who have entered menopause. In connection with the cause, it is known that osteoporosis may be associated with rheumatic diseases, endocrinological and haematological. Risk factors include use of drugs such as steroids, postmenopausal estrogen deficiency characteristics, lifestyle, aging and consumption of tobacco and alcohol.



- Frequent fractures and microfractures in, hip thigh bone of the spine, and wrist for bone fragility.




- Biopsy.
- X-ray.
- Densitometer (measurement of bone density).



- A diet rich in calcium and low in protein. Calcium and vitamin D.
- For physical exercise.
- Drugs to strengthen bones.
- Estrogen administration (under close medical supervision and strict because of the potential side effects).
- Surgical repair of fractures.




The esteopenia, who suffered 15 percent of women aged between 30 and 40, is a silent disease characterized by decreased bone density between 1 and 2.5 points compared with the conventional indicators. esteopenia may be the beginning of osteoporosis because when bone density is lower than it would appear desable fracture risk, and then we can talk about Osteroporosis.

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