Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Healthy Living Osteoporosis


Healthy Life Habits to Fight Osteoporosis

Healthy Living Osteoporosis
As already explained, osteoporosis is a disease which is healing, so it's smart to adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid or remove the risk, especially in people with more risk factors. If the disease has already manifested its presence, these same habits will help to slow or even halt their advance.

In addition to dietary advice and expressed, the snuff should no longer be part of your "hobbies", while it would be necessary to limit alcohol and caffeine, as these three factors contribute to bone loss.

Another habit is beneficial to sunbathing, which provide precise doses of a certain type of vitamin D.

Experts also recommend sitting on hard chairs and sleep on firm mattresses, spread his arms weights when carrying loads, walking with a posture as straight as possible and bend your knees lifting ...

A low body weight is usually indicative of poor or low bone mass. If you can not gain weight, try increasing your bone mass. It is advisable that people up "finite" improve muscle and bone mineral content through diet, sun and some exercise.

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