Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Understanding The Benefits And Uses Of Fish Oil

Osteoporosis Vitamins

Fish Oil Vitamins Benefits
Fish oil, well-known for being the excellent-for-your-heart oil, is one dietary stout that we cannot afford to miss. Unlike other types of fats, fish oil is beneficial to our body, especially when we want to increase our body’s resilience to serious health threats like heart disease and stroke. Also known as cod liver oil, krill oil, salmon oil, and omega-3 fatty acids, among others, fish oil is sourced from cold water fish or, for the vegetarians, omega-3-rich plants like walnut, kidney beans, broccoli, spinach, and, of course, flaxseed.

Understanding Fish Oil and Its Benefits

Fish Oil is essentially one of the most prized dietary fats, or, to place it in more simple term, well, oil. Traditional medicine has long relied on expensive fish oil to cure numerous health conditions, but more specifically those that are specifically related to the cardiovascular system. One condition on which fish oil is famously used for is stabilizing a person’s triglyceride levels, or the fats that are directly related to cholesterol. Aside from is sort-of remedial use, fish oils are also used to prevent depression, stroke, heart disease, and joint problems.

Though it is considered as a “miracle” supplement or dietary ingredient, evidence shows that taking too much omega-3 fatty acids or whatever type of fish oil does really increase a person’s risk of stroke. It is, therefore, vital to follow the manufacturers’ (for supplements) or your doctor’s instructions when it comes to consuming fish oils.

Uses of Fish Oils

Aside from lowering triglyceride, experts also recommend fish oils in any of the following conditions :

Rheumatoid arthritis. Since fish oils help in preventing joint problems, in some cases, doctors do recommend cod liver oil to ease morning muscle stiffness. Though most experts believe that fish oil alone can ease the stiffness caused by rheumatoid arthritis, most doctors do recommend combining supplements with naproxen to provide quicker relief.

Consuming cod liver oil may also reduce the need for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in this condition.

Weak bones. When taken starting before osteoporosis sets in, krill oil or Cod liver Oil helps to strengthen the bone structure and really slow bone loss. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids also helps elderly people with osteoporosis by really increasing bone density both at the spine and thigh bone.

In preventing osteoporosis, most experts recommend combining fish oil with evening primrose oil and calcium.
But like other dietary supplements, it is vital to note that fish oil cannot cure or prevent all types of illnesses. But research has shown that fish oil is really effective in boosting our immune system, providing relief for cardiovascular-related problems, and even aiding weight loss. Consult your doctor for a fish oil supplement today that will fit your needs and lifestyle.

The Benefits And Uses Of Fish Oil

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