Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Osteopenia: Natural Remedies For Pre-Osteoporosis

Osteopenia : Natural Remedies For Pre-Osteoporosis


Osteopenia is a pre-osteoporosis state characterized by a Reduction in bone density and an INCREASED Risk for osteoporosis. After a baseline test Indicated That She Had osteopenia, Eve, a 51-year-old perimenopausal Caucasian woman, came to me for natural therapies.

Bone density is considered normal bone mineral density When (BMD) is Within one standard deviation (SD) of the young adult reference mean as Measured by a dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan. Osteopenia is characterized by a BMD of more than one SD below the young adult mean But Less Than 2.5 SD below the young adult mean, while osteoporosis is characterized by a BMD of 2.5 SD or higher. Thought That It Is About 10 million American men and woman Have osteopenia, Which is reversible.

Bone Mass & Strength

Ideally, intervention Should bone density when to begin is still in the lower range of normal - before it falls Into the range of osteopenia. Bone is a dynamic living tissue stimulation That Requires regular weight-bearing exercises from as well as plenty of high-quality nutrients for healthy growth.

Composed of inorganic bone mineral is a non-mineral and collagen protein matrix. The integrity of the protein matrix Reflects bone strength. The mineralization of the matrix and the rate of bone turnover bone mass Reflect. The average human being Reaches maximum bone mass around age 35 and Begins to lose it Between the ages of 40 and 50. Bone loss Involves the Entire skeleton, But, as I Told Eve, the spine, hips and ribs are at Highest Risk.

Lifestyle Changes

Eve's Personal Risk Factors for osteoporosis include her gender, her thin body type, her race, A Lack of mineral supplementation, heavy caffeine Consumption, an Inadequate intake of essential fatty acids, a diet low in vegetables But high in animal protein and non-scheduled Exercise.

I help make the changes file Eve necessary "for reversing her osteopenia. We will train That plan included changes file in her lifestyle and diet, plus we added high-quality nutritional supplements to preserve mineral mass, loss of to Prevent Further bone matrix, and to Encourage to repair damaged bone mineralization and bone density Increase STI.

At the top of our list of lifestyle changes file we had her Establishing a regular weight-bearing Exercise Program That She Could Maintain Without Adding more stress to her hectic life Already. In Fact, fire Exercise, Ideally, Should help reduce stress. For Eve's regime, we chose to use a combination of 15-minute brisk walks at lunchtime, 1-2 minutes of jumping rope to music Every Morning and Attending a yoga class on Saturdays.

Eve's dietary goals included Eliminating Certain foods Such as caffeine, refined carbohydrates and sugars - all of Which Increase the excretion of calcium from the body. Furthermore, We Decide That Would Eve lay to balance her high animal protein intake with More vegetable proteins from legumes, nuts, whole grains and seeds. We Also INCREASED her intake of fruits and vegetables (organic when to possible) to at least nine servings per day. These foods Provide vitamin K activates osteocalcin Which - That anchors calcium to protein collagen Into the matrix - Along With magnesium, zinc, potassium, and the body Fibers That aid in the absorption and assimilation of minerals.

Leafy green vegetables - broccoli in particular and - Contain High Amounts of Both vitamin K and folic acid, Which Is Another important bone nutrient. I also use lemon Encouraged Eve to her water in her digestive pH to Improve and Increase the amount of to minerals she Absorbed DURING meals.

Supplement Regimen

As I Pointed out to Eve, for bone support supplementation goes Beyond calcium. Although calcium plays an important role in bone health, adequate Amounts of magnesium are needed for bones to be Able to metabolize calcium Normally. We added a high-quality bone mineral support formula With A calcium / magnesium citrate ratio of 1.000 milligrams (mg) / 500 mg 2-3 mg Along With boron, 200-400 international units (IU) vitamin D, 15 mg manganese, 15 mg zinc and 100 micrograms (mcg) chromium. Took this daily supplement Eve With Her evening meal.

After 6 months, Eve Will Have a urine test to determine bone metabolite Changes in rate of bone loss her. It Will take 18-24 months to regain enough for Eve bone mass for change to register with Another DXA scan, but I'm confident she Will Show Marked progress.

The lesson for all women is something That There is you can do if you act About osteopenia are willing to fast and Make Some NECESSARY changes. It's not a condition you Have to accept lying down, in Fact, lying down (literally) Will just make it Worse over time.


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